Thursday, 27 February 2020

Another successful event held on Tuesday evening to mark pancake day

Northants Natters #72 - Roan65 does Pancake Day


We had a really good turnout and it was great to see everyone and pass the time of day. Sorry we had to leave early, but I wasn't feeling the best.

Thanks and as you will see, I'm not the best for making pancakes, best left for Anne and her excellent ones.
25 February 2020, 19:00 - 21:00

Northants Natters does #72 - Pancake Day!
Ok, so hold your hands up, who enjoys pancakes... yep, we do as well :)

But, who actually is any good at doing them? Anne is, but it scares the muggles out of me doing it and if it's easier to buy them, then simply apply the lemon, chocolate or maple syrup, well put me down for those.
So, if you fancy escaping the pain of peeling the burnt / sticky mess off the ceiling, floor or dog, feel free to pop along to cache up with us at this location.

To find us, come in through the main entrance, bear left and then we're ahead there, I think it's about table 24/26-ish or ask at the bar for Tu... very nearly, the Secret Society of Plastic Container Collectors.

And to add a theme, this time, rather than wearing something orange which our last one was themed as, this time either come with a frying pan or when making an entrance make a face like you have just sucked on a lemon - [this should not be classed as an additional logging requirement, merely optional and a piece of fun]

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